dative case russian exercises

Мне двадцать лет. The only exception is the Dative plural of тот: те-> тем. Today let's learn how the personal pronouns change in the Dative case. Note that the stress in the мой, твой, тот pronouns falls on the final syllable of the ending in the Dative: моему, твоему, тому. - Give it to me. This is a new Russian grammar test and today we check your knowledge of the Dative case. Names and Nicknames. Level: Beginner Topic: Masculine adjectives in the dative case (1) Instructions: Choose the right DATIVE form of each MASCULINE ADJECTIVE. Advanced Russian: Dative Case with Preposition ПО: Mass Media This video is for students who study Russian as a foreign language at the university. Поэ́тому я гото́влю ему́ сала́ты. Сколько Вам лет? This course requires basic knowledge of Russian. To show the receiver of the action, most often an indirect object in the sentence. I am 34. Shop - Russian school. 3. Textbook Exercise 1-22. It also seems to me. If you love reading, have a look at these books with stories in easy Russian with audio. Я уже́ привы́кла к холо́дной пого́де, но не могу́ привы́кнуть к ру́сским лю́дям. And what do you give your little daughter? 3. Probably they feel cold. Мое́й ста́рой ба́бушке ну́жно есть суп. My old grandmother needs to eat soup. My brother is 28 (years old), to say "I like, he likes, etc." 2. Shop - Russian school. Usually, the dative case is required after verbs which mean giving something, speaking and communicating: говорить – to tell давать – to give разрешать – to allow помогать – to help звонить – to call, to phone приносить– to bring 2. And he doesn't miss fried meat and fried potatoes? The Dative case of Nouns (Singular) Below we will learn more about it. Мне тридцать четыре года. Contact us       (0017g) Мой или моя. Поэ́тому они́ таки́е серьёзные. That's a ball. (see also: Impersonal constructions) 3. How old are you (polite form)? Read, listen and repeat the vocabulary of this lesson: If you still don't know how to read the Cyrillic alphabet, visit our course on how to read Russian. We recommend you the best Russian course, with 160 videos and personal tutor. Я ду́маю, они́ бу́дут о́чень ра́ды твои́м пода́ркам! Have a look at this grammar table to get extra help (it opens on a new window). We'll give them to the most beautiful student. The two main prepositions are к(о) ('to', 'towards') and по ('along'). In the dialogues we have seen examples of Dative Case (Dat.) Мы пода́рим их са́мой краси́вой студе́нтке. Сколько Вам лет? Everything is fine, but I really miss my American friends. Have you already got used to the cold weather? Recognizing Russian Names of Cities. Мне то́же так ка́жется. Я не могу́ тебе́ помо́чь. You can also look up these grammar tables while you read the dialogues: Хмм...Я ча́сто гото́влю ры́бу. Read, listen and pay attention to the cases used. Ты уже́ гото́вишься к зи́мним кани́кулам? Сколько лет Ольге? It’s easy to declense masculine nouns in the Russian dative case. Как Росси́я? Я подарю́ всем мои́м ро́дственникам по матрёшке. Мне ка́жется, что он уже́ привы́к к вку́сной и поле́зной еде́. Э́то мяч. Contact us       I'm giving all my relatives matrioshkas. to express the indirect object: Я даю́ кни́гу моему́ бра́ту - I give my brother a book, to express someone's age: Мне 30 лет / моему́ бра́ту 28 лет - I am 30 (years old). Masculine nouns. Also, I often cook soup. Мы пода́рим их са́мому хоро́шему преподава́телю. Read the sentence in each question and choose the correct form of the nouns or pronoun in the Dative case. in adjectives. Terms of use       Сколько лет Ольге? Verb: wrote; Direct object: the letter; Indirect object in the dative case: her; Intro to Cases: What is Grammatical Case? How old are you (polite form)? Dative case of Russian nouns Russian grammar--> Russian cases--> Dative Case. We have highlighted the words in dative. The Dative case endings for possessive and demonstrative pronouns are the same as adjectives endings. Russian grammar exercises. We will learn the cases from this lesson. Site map       (0236g) Names of people and places. Я даю́ ей молоко́ и фру́кты. 2. Site map       *Table: Dative case, adjectives. Да. My brother is 28 (years old) to express someone's mood: Мне хорошо́ / мое́й подру́ге пло́хо: I feel fine / My friend is feeling bad. (0814) Мой или моя. My brother is 28 (years old) to express someone's mood: Мне хорошо́ / мое́й подру́ге пло́хо: I feel fine / My friend is feeling bad. If you want to practice your Russian, here you can find exercise books, with key and grammar tables. Did you know that we always use the Dative case to express age? Misusing them frequently can cause serious confusion, and it sounds poor. Как дела́? How old are you? Приве́т, Сте́фани. Level: Intermediate Topic: Adjectives in the dative case (5) Instructions: Choose the right DATIVE form of each ADJECTIVE (which could be masculine, feminine or neuter). How old is Olga? For example, 1. It seems to me, that he's already used to delicious and healthy food. How old is Olga? For example, 1. Сколько тебе лет? We have highlighted the endings in the tables for each gender. Generally, we use the dative case... to express someone's age: Мне 30 лет / моему́ бра́ту 28 лет - I am 30 (years old). My older son likes fish. Моему́ то́лстому му́жу ну́жно худе́ть. Я уже́ купи́ла пода́рки мои́м мла́дшим бра́тьям и сёстрам. Terms of use       Мы пода́рим его́ са́мому спорти́вному студе́нту. Verb: gave; Direct object: an assignment; indirect object in the dative case: me; He wrote the letter for her. The only exception is the Dative plural of тот: те-> тем. Russian grammar exercises Let's practise the Russian cases. Мне ну́жно идти́. Russian Grammar Exercises. We are giving it to the smartest student. 1. Моему́ ста́ршему сы́ну нра́вится ры́ба. I am twenty. Level: Intermediate You can find the accusative noun in a sentence by asking the question "What is being ---ed? The dative case is a set of word forms that are generally used to show the receiver of the action, like the English preposition "to" in the phrase "they are giving this book to Ann". I give her milk and fruits. By Dr. Sergei Fadeev. I want to buy my best (male and female) friends from America presents. Russian grammar exercises. I've already got used to the cold weather, but I can't get used to the Russian people. I must go. That's why they're so serious. Here are the prizes.

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