russian genitive case

Prepositions Governing the Genitive Case in Russian! For example: Read, listen and repeat the vocabulary of this lesson: If you still don't know how to read the Cyrillic alphabet, visit our course on how to read Russian. Э́то дом моего́ отца́. The structures that require the GENITIVE CASE are numerous and of high frequency. These are the nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional cases. Please, invest some seconds of your time in sharing us. Извини́те, у нас нет со́ка. Ивана нет - Ivan isn't here. When is the genitive case used? "I don't have nothing"). Today is the turn of personal pronouns. In Russian language we have Genitive case in English this part of speech represents the preposition “of”. The change for numbers is based only on masculine gender. Now, we are going to talk about the situations that could use Genitive case in Russian numbers. Site map       These videos prvide not only grammar rules, but also plenty of example and practice. What is the Genitive plural form of "человек"? Contact us       In Russian the possessor always follows the object it possess. In Russian, there are six cases. У меня́ нет до́ма... That house is my father's. Check how much you have learnt in this lesson: When you share our website, you're helping us continue with our project: developing free Russian courses for everyone. This course requires basic knowledge of Russian. In English we often indicate this with an apostrophe (‘s), or the word “of”. In the dialogues we have seen examples of Genitive Case (Gen.) in nouns. 4. If you love reading, have a look at these books with stories in easy Russian with audio. Here are the personal pronouns in the Genitive: Nominative Genitive; I don't have a house... Э́то маши́на мое́й сестры́. Там всё так далеко́ от до́ма! We have highlighted the endings in the tables for each gender. Поэ́тому у меня́ подру́ги то́же нет. Basically, the possessor or the object that belongs to something or somebody has to be used in Genitive case form. Read, listen and pay attention to the cases used. There are too many people, and too many cars and houses. Privacy policy     The Usage of Genitive Case in Russian Numbers. My window is not here. This is my window. Terms of use       The preposition против+Gen is a bit more complicated for it may mean either "opposite" or "across from" in the physical sense of location or "against" in the sense of "if I am not for it I am against it". These are my windows. The Russian language has six cases to show what function a noun has in a sentence: nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, and prepositional. А я люблю́ Москву́. If you want to practice your Russian, here you can find exercise books, with key and grammar tables. У меня́ есть кни́га = I have a book / У меня́ нет кни́ги = I don't have any book, У тебя́ есть столы́ = you have tables / У тебя́ нет столо́в = You don't have tables. Not anymore... Now this is my friend's boyfriend. Мои́х книг тут нет (Gen.). Нет, ещё ко́фе без молока́ для моего́ дру́га. Я не могу́ без Москвы́. Of course, this is big city, but very beautiful! to express ownership with the construction у + genitive + есть: У моего́ дру́га есть стол - My friend has a table. Там сли́шком мно́го люде́й, сли́шком мно́го маши́н и домо́в. And I love Moscow. People have too little time. У нас есть чай. Russian grammar: Genitive case, Russian personal pronouns. 8+ Last two lessons we dedicated to forming the Genitive case Russian nouns.

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