prosciutto avocado omelette

Top with the crispy prosciutto and serve. Note: Microwave timings based on a 900W oven, adjust timings for different wattage ovens. Pour egg mixture into skillet. Top with the crispy prosciutto and serve. Crack egg into a small prep cup and gently slide egg into the water. Note: Microwave timings based on a 900W oven, adjust timings for different wattage ovens. Spray a large skillet with nonstick cooking spray and heat over medium low heat. Mix eggs and milk. Lightly mash the avocado with the chilli flakes and seasoning; heap into the omelette and then roll up. Cook eggs until top is almost set. Lightly mash the avocado with the chilli flakes and seasoning; heap into the omelette and then roll up.

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