movie database sql queries

[An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. Go to the editor, 4. [An editor is available at the bottom of the page to write and execute the scripts. IN SQL. Go to the editor, 6. Write a query in SQL to find the movie which was released in the year 1999. Go to the editor, 4. 2. The ERD or database design of the sample movie database is here (open in new tab, or save, to see a larger version): This database stores information about movies, the cast and crew involved, where the movie was produced and by which company, and other information about movies such as the languages, genres, and keywords. Write a query in SQL to find the movie title, year, date of release, director and actor for those movies … Write a query in SQL to find the year when the movie American Beauty released. Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page. (using subquery)  Go to the editor, 3. Go to the editor, 13. Go to the editor, 11. Go to the editor, 2. Scala Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution. The database consists of six tables: ACTOR (id, fname, lname, gender) MOVIE (id, name, year) DIRECTORS (id, fname, lname) CASTS (pid, mid, role) Write a query in SQL to return the reviewer name, movie title, and stars for those movies which reviewed by a reviewer and must be rated. Dataset (in our SQL folder): In this project you are asked to write several SQL queries on a relational movie database. Go to the editor, 7. Go to the editor, 3. Write a query in SQL to find the titles of all movies directed by James Cameron. Go to the editor, 14. The sample data was obtained from a free online data source. Go to the editor, 9. Go to the editor, Query visualizations are generated using Postgres Explain Visualizer (pev). Click me to see the solution. Write a query in SQL to find the year when the movie American Beauty released. Go to the editor, Query visualizations are generated using Postgres Explain Visualizer (pev). Remember, use two dashes (--) to add comments in SQL. Go to the editor, 10. Go to the editor, 9. Show the results in increasing order. Write a query in SQL to find the names of all reviewers who have ratings with a NULL value. select Title from Movie m inner join (select top 20 MovieID,sum(Rating) Rate from Ratings group by movieid having count(UserID)>39 order by sum(Rating) DESC) tblon m.MovieID=tbl.MovieIDorder by tbl.Rate desc. SQL exercises on movie Database, Practice and Solution: Write a query in SQL to list all the movies with title, year, date of release, movie duration, and first and last name of the director which released before 1st January 1989, and sort the result set according to release date from highest date to lowest. Write a query in SQL to find the ID number for the actor whose first name is 'Woody' and the last name is 'Allen'. Write a query in SQL to find all the years which produced at least one movie and that received a rating of more than 3 stars. Write a query in SQL to find the name and year of the movies. Write a query in SQL to list all the movies which released in the country other than UK. 1. Write a query in SQL to return the name of all reviewers and name of movies together in a single list. Write a query in SQL to find the titles of all movies which have been reviewed by anybody except by Paul Monks. Write a query in SQL to list all the information of the actors who played a role in the movie 'Annie Hall'. The test database to be used in the mandatory exercises is a version of the Internet Movie Database (imdb), which is a large database containing information on approximately 700000 films and 60000 TV series, 1.7 million persons related to the films, descriptions of the films etc. Go to the editor, 16. Sample Database: 1. IN MYSQL. Go to the editor, 15. Write a query in SQL to return the reviewer name, movie title, and number of stars for those movies which rating is the lowest one. Write a query in SQL to find the movie title, year, date of release, director and actor for those movies which reviewer is unknown. Go to the editor, 8. Go to the editor, 5. The database … Do not submit any solution of the above exercises at here, if you want to contribute go to the appropriate exercise page. Write a query in SQL to find the names of all reviewers who rated the movie American Beauty. Write a query in SQL to find the reviewer's name and the title of the movie for those reviewers who rated more than one movies. Sample table: movie. Write a query in SQL to find the name of those movies where one or more actors acted in two or more movies. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Write a query in SQL to find the movie title, and the highest number of stars that movie received and arranged the result according to the group of a movie and the movie title appear alphabetically in ascending order. Write a query in SQL to find the titles of the movies with ID 905, 907, 917. Write a query in SQL to find the titles of all movies that have no ratings. Scala Programming Exercises, Practice, Solution. Go to the editor, 10. ], 1. Write a query in SQL to find the name of the director (first and last names) who directed a movie that casted a role for 'Eyes Wide Shut'. Go to the editor, 8. Write a query in SQL to find the movies which was released before 1998. # Write a query in SQL to list all the movies with year and genres: select m. mov_title, m. mov_year, g. gen_title: from movie m , genres g , movie_genres mg: where m. mov_id = mg. mov_id: and g. gen_id = mg. gen_id # Write a query in SQL to list all the movies with year, genres, and name of the director. It contains about 4,800 movies, 104,000 ca… select m. mov_title, m. mov_year, g. gen_title, d. dir_fname, d. dir_lname ], 1. Go to the editor, 6. Write a query in SQL to list the first and last names of all the actors who were cast in the movie … Go to the editor. Go to the editor, 12. Go to the editor, 7. Write a query in SQL to find the list of all those movies with year which include the words Boogie Nights. Go to the editor, 2. Write a query in SQL to find the name and year of the movies. Write a query in SQL to find the titles of all movies directed by the director whose first and last name are Woddy Allen. Go to the editor. Write a query in SQL to find the name of all reviewers who have rated 7 or more stars to their rating. Sort the result by reviewer name, movie title, and number of stars. Write a query in SQL to find the titles of all movies that have no ratings.

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